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Laura Phillips-Gray
Hand Painted Goose Eggs

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A Lesson From An Egg
 From ancient times until now history reveals that egg artistry has been an esteemed and sought after art form in many cultures. The Egg, a symbol of new life and new beginnings, reflects in it's pure, clear, orbicular form, the irrefutable truth of the eternity of the Creator -- having no beginning nor end. In my hands, this spherical, silent canvas seduces my imagination and inspires me. Each and every egg that I paint is a one of a kind, original piece of art work. No one finished egg is ever duplicated.
The piece of authentic Illinois River driftwood on which the egg is mounted is as unique as the painting itself. Clearly, no two pieces could ever be alike. Just as the egg they display, they are as individual as a fingerprint--nature's fingerprint. Each piece of driftwood has been carefully cleaned, dried and clear-coat sealed to facilitate dusting or damp cloth cleaning if necessary.
To finish each eggstraordinary piece of art, the driftwood mounted egg is firmly affixed to a standard cut, black lacquered wooden base.
So continues a never ending story of lessons learned from an egg--lessons of perseverance and passion, patience and praise.

This is for you, Pop. You always said my day in the sun would come, and it has-- over and over again.
With my hand, Oh Lord, "I will tell of your wonders"

"Laura.....beautiful work, very professional.... best wishes on your art."
Robert Bateman
Renowned Wildlife Artist
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